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Best full body workout lose pound of weights

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Engage with business trips, unbidden meetings, and a busy lifestyle, being able to keep track of whether you worked your upper body once or twice a week the complete process itself a struggle. HIIT workout requires a complete workout, whether for your entire body or targeted muscles, in a short amount of time. As the name suggests, in HIIT, you switch between brief periods of intense movements and short rest breath. Free bodyweight squats “Without a doubt, the first would be bodyweight squats; these target your glutes or your butt.” To squat right, hold your arms straight out in front of you, your feet a little wider than your hips and push your butt outwards while moving down. Continue till your hips are parallel to the ground and come back up. This counts as one squat.


Everyone hates this exercise but it's one of the best full-body workouts that will strengthen your body. It is best for your whole body. From the legs to the chest, arms, back and shoulders. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and move into a squat position and jump on your feet back to the front by jumping. Squat is the first rep and start the next. This move is great for firing up your metabolism and helps aid weight loss.

#Mountain Climbers

It strengthens your abs when you continually use your legs and you are working your glutes plus it's a cardio-based exercise that lets your heart rate go. Start in a plank position with your arms stretched long, as opposed to on the floor. Keep your core tight and pull your right knee towards your chest. Then, quickly pull your left knee towards your chest and push the right one back. This ‘climbing' movement counts as one rep. Again, since it pumps up your heart rate, it's a good workout for weight loss.


“It's great for the core, and it uses your entire body in terms of the scapula, back, shoulders and your lower back as well. Do 20 or 30-second holds with a 10-second break.” Get into a push-up position on the floor. Bend your elbows, place them on the floor, and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should be in a straight line from your head to your feet. Do not drop your hips down or push them up towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 30 seconds or as long as you can for one rep. Planks, when done with the right posture, help tone your midsection and help you lose weight on your stomach. 


“Lunges are a great bodyweight exercise as well. I like going basic when doing HIIT workouts because it's important you get your form right. These are simple ones that everyone can do without injuring themselves. For me, it's most important that you don't injure yourself or kill yourself because I want you back the next day.” To do these, keep your upper body straight, relaxed shoulders and engage your core. Step forward with one leg, moving downwards till both your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Ensure your knee at the back isn't touching the floor and the one in the front is straight. Bring your leg back and continue this with the other leg for one rep.