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hydration revelation: experts unravel the daily water dilemma

1. Ensuring you're well-hydrated involves more than just chugging eight glasses of water a day. Factors like your weight, activity level, and overall health play crucial roles. While the general guideline suggests 15.5 cups (124 ounces) for men and 11.5 cups (92 ounces) for women, these numbers vary based on individual needs.

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2. Registered dietitian Laila Ouldibbat emphasizes considering your weight: aim for 30 to 35 millilitres of fluid per kilogram you weigh. But keep in mind, that this includes water from food sources too. Your body's signals matter too—if you feel excessively thirsty, or if your thirst can't be quenched despite drinking more.

3. Daily changes like activity level, sweating, and climate also impact your water needs.

4. Additionally, age, life stages, and health conditions, like pregnancy or illness, can alter your intake. Fluids from drinks like coffee, tea, or soda count towards hydration, but water remains the top choice.

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5. Spot signs of dehydration: monitor urine color, skin elasticity, and symptoms like dry mouth or headaches. Combat dehydration by drinking water first thing in the morning, investing in a handy water bottle, setting reminders, and keeping water accessible in various places.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to hydration—listen to your body, and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.